WORSHIP weekly and a regular quiet time.
SERVE in GOOD SUCCESS or the community.
Consistent GIVING.
Helping others grow by LEADING a growth group.


Worship is a major part of your weapon! Commit to weekly Sunday worship In-person or Online and daily quiet time! Subscribe to our Youtube channel for weekly content to fuel your soul for Adults, Youth and Kids! 


You connect with other in the Growth Group. It really helps you become a part of the Family as we Grow together.

You will see it once you connect with other through classes, Bible Study and Love groups, Good Success becomes a wonderful family where we grow together.

You are here today because God lead you to His Church to learn about the plans God has for your life. You will grow through our Growth Groups.
You will grow in your Faith, Family, Finances, Fitness and Future through our Growth Groups some are in-person some are online.


We believe God has gifted each one of us to serve. Not only will serving help others, but it will allow you to discover deeper meaning and purpose for your life.


God requires that we return a portion back to Him through our giving to the church. Our giving should be in proportion to what He has given to us and it should be given voluntarily with joy.


Have you been in a growth group for a while and you are ready to lead a group? We will equip you with the tools to lead a growth group.  Your group can be a Moms, a group of co-workers, close friends, or your fantasy football team.
If for some reason, you don’t feel like you can say “yes” to all of these, we still want you to commit to what you can commit to, and we want you to know we are committed to loving you & helping encourage you in your walk with Jesus. In fact, I would say this commitment is as much about our commitment to you.